It's 6 a.m.- only 2 more hours until I can go home! Yay! I have to admit I have kind of been productive tonight though. I read about 4 articles/talks from the November Ensign and wrote in the family journal. Family assuming that Colby will write in it one of these days. ;o) Yes, I do know what assuming does. Having 8 hours you would think I would have been more productive. I watched Oceans 13, folded towels and cleaned part of the staff bathroom, that's productive, just not personal productivity. Yet those are the things I paid for...
Anyway, Colby starts working at Sears on Thursday. He is their newest appliance salesman, well part-time/seasonal. So if you need a fridge, washer, dryer, ect.... find him at the Sears in Pocatello.
Last week we decided to go out to dinner for a date/treat. We ended up going to Pizza Hut, then that way we had leftovers for another meal or two. We ordered a large meat lovers and a medium two topping ($6) on their special. Anyway, we were eating and I took a piece of the meat lovers, when I got it to my plate I thought there was an olive on it so I took my fork and picked it off... come to find out it was a NUT! Not the edible kind... now thinking about it I wonder were the BOLT that the NUT came off of was/is hiding. Our waitress was appalled. She took the nut and showed every employee and refunded us for the meat lovers. We were in shock! I think we left shortly after I found my treasure....
When we got home Colby said I should e-mail Pizza Hut about my experience so it didn't get "swept under the rug". Sure enough you can contact Pizza Hut through their web-site. I wrote about what had happened and today the called me and appologized. They also explained to me the process in which will take place at the local store. The manager recieved my e-mail along with the man that called me (from an Idaho number). The regional supervisor, SLC, will make a trip up to check on the equipment and store. The distributors that particular Pizza Hut uses is also going to be contacted.
That was one of our recent adventures... I told Colby that I'm a cheap date. We didn't have to pay for the most expensive part of our order and got two more meals out of it.
1 week ago
Well, that ended well. It is gross to think about though. I freak if there is anything that shouldn't otta be in my food. It's such an invasion. Happy day!!
Amy, you have such an interesting life. Your tree looks beautiful. Have a Merry Christmas. We love ya. The VIP's
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