Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My dear husband turns 23 today.

Sadly he works for most of the day, but will be suprised tonight when most of his family comes to our house, I called them yesterday while he was out working on a train, unless someone blurbs before then. NOT me I will be sleeping, cleaning and making a cake while he is at work.

Take a minute and post a comment or story about Colby for his birthday! :o) I know he will love to hear from yous.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Colby!
I sure hope it is a great day! Too bad you aren't here in good ol' PA where all of the schools are closed due to the ice!!! I love ya and I think about you often!
Mamma Eves

dandjyoung said...

Ok, so I was 23 not too long ago, really it was only like a decade. Anyway, have a great birthday we're glad you're living here.

Lori said...

Well...this might sound odd (since I've never actually met you, Colby) but...I love you , man! hehehehe OK seriously, anyone who thinks Amy is awesome is OK by me.

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