Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our Calling...

We got our first callings... well calling, we teach Temple Prep together! It's a good class, we have been able to learn a lot (at least I have) from the lessons we have studied. We are going to be teaching lesson two tomorrow about being worthy to go to the temple.
The last two weeks we have talked about the Plan of Salvation, the greatest plan ever made. It's so great to have a temple so close, it's just amazing at how busy we think our lives get and we think that we don't have time to go to the temple... when going to the temple is one of the most imporatant things we can do in this life.


Lori said...

So cool! We have to start teaching that class to Kevin in a couple months. Such an important calling.

Eric, Victoria, & Nykelle said...

It's awesome to hear from you! Glad to see everything is going great for you. You and your husband make an adorable couple.

Amber Dawn said...

Hey ROM! We're doing well. It looks married life is treating you well! How are the rest of your family?

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